Marketing Metrics
Winning the Race to go Digital in B2B
Digital is the New Differentiator. Changing buyer preferences, ever-growing competitive threats, and...
Adobe Digital Economy Index - Adobe Analytics | UK August 2021
The Adobe Digital Economy Index offers the most comprehensive set of insights of its kind, based on analysis...
B2B Digital Commerce: Understanding Customer Expectations
Now more than ever, an enterprise's ability to understand the needs of their customers and respond quickly...
3 Steps to Marketing Success
The key to accomplishing your customer-centric marketing goals is to experiment and test what works for...
Marketing in the Dark : Dark Martech
Technology enables companies to carry out a vast array of marketing-related tasks more efficiently than...
Find your Data Management solution for marketing
Here are the key questions every marketer should ask themselves - and their stakeholders - when considering...
Insights 50 Takeaways: Topical Marketing
As marketers, we always have too much to do and too little time. The Insight50 series is designed to...
E-Signatures 2020: Use Cases and Opportunities
Electronic signatures have gone mainstream. Research for this report found that the technology is now...
How to Upgrade Customer Through Valuable Data
This paper picks out proven cases which can be adapted into a practical reality to make customer engagement...
15 Ideas for Anchoring Your Marketing Approach
In today's market, customers control the buying journey – a trend that has accelerated with the increased...
Truth #1 The C-Suite is just not that into you
See where the disconnect lies and discover how to bridge the gap with Sitecore. You probably already...
Connecting Online and Offline: The Marketer's Manual
Here's how marketers can connect with customers and prospects wherever they are, using smart data management. These...
Increase Customer Service Agility With Cloud Contact Centers
Forrester forecasts cloud subscription revenues to grow overall by 22% in 2016. This is a result of businesses...
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