Meet the moment with exceptional experiences everywhere.
It's the first of the month, and you have some bills to pay. You log in to your bank's website but get an error message when you try to make a payment to a new payee. You initiate a query on a live chat function, but the chatbot keeps referring you to an FAQ guide. You don't have time for this, so you pick up the phone to call an actual human being. Alas, your bank isn't yet equipped to follow your journey from digital to call centre and you have to start from the beginning. It shouldn't be this hard to make a payment, you think and this, coupled with a longer chain of frustrating experiences, also makes you think about switching banks.
Today's consumer has no time or patience for this kind of friction in their banking experience. Retail banks, insurance companies and wealth management firms alike must forge deeper relationships by coordinating every interaction across all channels, digital and offline, to gain a more complete understanding of the customer and deliver competitive and customised experiences.
Personalisation is helping businesses everywhere forge deeper, more lasting relationships with their customers and the financial services industry is no exception.
Discover how the latest in data and analytics technology is helping banks, insurance companies and wealth management firms create exceptional experiences that meet the moment.
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