Consumer Analytics
The Right Time for Real Time Marketing
Today's digital marketers want to engage customers with offers that are based on deep customer profiles,...
The Savvy Sales Leader's Guide to Building Profitable Relationships
Sales teams work so hard, they can burn out quickly. It's tough when customer contacts, sales goals,...
Prouvez votre valeur marketing
Dans un univers digital où chaque campagne et chaque expérience client peuvent faire l'objet d'un suivi,...
The Beginner's Guide to Dynamic Case Management
What is dynamic case management? Who is using it and how can it help you prepare for the future of work? The...
Deliver individual experiences to achieve incredible results
We demand it in all aspects of our daily lives. Wherever we interact – in person or online – we want...
Insights 50 Takeaways: Topical Marketing
As marketers, we always have too much to do and too little time. The Insight50 series is designed to...
Forrester: Digital Ups the Stakes for B2B Sales
Nearly four years after forecasting that 1 million B2B salespeople would be displaced by 2020, Forrester...
17 formas de realizar los proyectos de marketing
¿Qué impide a los equipos de marketing tener éxito? ¿Por qué algunos directores de marketing parecen...
The Surprising Power of Online Experiments
In the fast-moving digital world, even experts have a hard time assessing new ideas. Case in point: At...
Increase Customer Service Agility With Cloud Contact Centers
Forrester forecasts cloud subscription revenues to grow overall by 22% in 2016. This is a result of businesses...
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